In attempt at increasing financial awareness and fairness, there is now legislation that allows individuals to access their credit report for free once each year. Obtaining your free annual report can be tiresome and complicated, however, if you are not schooled in finances and credit bureaus. Here is an overview of credit reports that should make understanding them less complicated.
Where Do I Obtain My Credit Report?
In the US there are three credit bureaus that are responsible for obtaining credit information, calculating scores, and compiling a report. These bureaus are TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. In order to obtain a report from these establishments, you may contact them via telephone, internet, or written mail. It is recommended that you request reports from all three bureaus simultaneously so that you can compare your scores.
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When requesting a report, be weary of any credit report scams. There are several online tricks that will use your personal information for nefarious means. Be certain that you are using the official site for TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax before submitting any information.
Why Do I have Different Credit Scores?
Once you obtain your report from each bureau, you may notice that the scores are different from one another. The reason for this is that many lenders only contact one bureau to file a report or make a claim. Additionally, each bureau has a different method for calculating credit scores, so it is likely they will vary slightly.
Benefits of a Credit Report
Obtaining your free annual credit report has several benefits. The primary benefit is that you get a glimpse into your financial future, and you can make the necessary changes for ensuring your financial security. Additionally, many people's reports contain errors, which can only be corrected if they are identified.
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