Life Is Good When You Are Debt-Free

Nothing is better in life then to live without financial worry being debt-free. In today's economy this seems like an impossibility. Americans these days put a high priority on having credit. What's funny is, credit cards are what put people in financial trouble to where they become a slave to their job and their creditors. Credit can be a good thing when it's used to buy a home or necessities of life like a car. When left unchecked, credit can be like a wildfire that burns out of control that ends up in a bankruptcy filing. In today's society, everyone wants it now. Why wait and save for a new computer when you can charge it.

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A survey recently reported that the average American household has over $20,000 in credit card debt. It doesn't sound like a lot of money but then when you consider that the average household makes only $40,000 a year in the US it becomes a scary figure. The interest alone on $20,000 in credit card debt will put a debtor in bondage for life. There is some good news. Filing bankruptcy will let the debtor break the chains of this bondage. One reason many people shy away from filing for bankruptcy is because they know they will have to live without credit cards for a while. The crazy thing is, the credit cards are what force them into filing bankruptcy in the first place.

If someone wants to become debt-free they're going to have to make some big choices. Having a large balance on credit cards with no means of paying it off can wear on a person. Making the tough decision to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy will be the first step on the road to becoming debt-free. Filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy will allow the debtor to wipe out all unsecured debts such as credit cards, payday loans, medical bills and personal loans. This just about covers everything, but if the debtor really wants to become debt-free there are some other tough decisions to make.

If the debtor is filing for bankruptcy and has an automobile loan that is beyond what they can afford, this would be the time to surrender it back to the creditor and buy something cheaper. Getting out from under a car payment at the same time as wiping out all your credit card debts will put an individual close to becoming debt-free. There will always be some debts that a person will have to pay to live and there is nothing we can do about them. A person needs to pay for a mortgage or rent to keep a roof over their heads, but at the time of filing bankruptcy this would be the time to consider whether the individual is living beyond their means.

To become debt-free it takes a lot of discipline and they will have to be totally honest with themselves. It's a good idea to sit down and bounce decisions off of a bankruptcy attorney. This will help the debtor make a wise decision with their future.

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