Using Your Tax Dollars to Bail Out the Same Banks That Will Foreclose on You If You Miss a Payment

The economic forecast for the nation is bleak as more and more of the biggest and oldest investment banks cave in to needing to sell. The very foundation of the most successful and powerful financial institutions are crumbling away and many of these corporations are seeking financial assistance from the U.S. government. But what help can be found when big brother itself is in severe debt?

Believe it or not, with the housing market in a slump, banks that foreclose on properties will lose much more than just the balance remaining on the unpaid mortgage. The banks will also have to contend with additional taxes of owning the foreclosed properties, as well as, maintaining the properties in the desperate hope that it will sell for a profit in the current market. This leads to large deficits for many large institutions that are already heavily leveraged leading to bankruptcy and failure themselves.

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The rate of foreclosures and bankruptcy is steadily increasing and quickly despite the economic stimulus package that the executive branch of the U.S. government issued to millions of hard working individuals this past spring. Mortgage lenders have tried to take matters into their own hands by voluntarily lowering interest rates and granting forbearances on existing current loans in hopes that this will result in fewer foreclosures and bankruptcies.

Unfortunately, the American public can no longer rely on the wealthy politicians or even local governments for truly helpful assistance. Every individual needs to follow the example of the mortgage lenders and take matter into their own hands by contacting a bankruptcy attorney. Many of these attorneys also have extensive practical knowledge and experience in real estate and financial law that can save even the most desperate homeowner's property.

The first obstacle that individuals always ask about is, "If I can't afford to pay my mortgage, how am I able to pay for an attorney's services?" Fortunately consultations are almost always free and most attorneys are able to work within each individual's limitations.

Facing bankruptcy or foreclosure is not an area of business that the average homeowner should face without guidance from trusted counsel. The next question most people ask is, "How do I find a good lawyer?" Word of mouth is still one of the best and trusted forms of advertising. Many find that asking friends or neighbors for knowledge of a bankruptcy attorney may be embarrassing. If that is the case, just remember that even the largest most successful entrepreneurs and investment institutions have had more failures under their belt than successes.

The internet is a most useful resource for obtaining information about attorneys. It's also one of the fastest methods that yield responses. Use it to research attorneys to your maximum benefit and failure won't ever come your way

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